Read Your Daily Horoscope: Monday, 17 April 2023
The 12 Zodiac signs in order are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.
Taurus Horoscope for Monday, April 17, 2023
(Monday, 17 April 2023)
Life is all about priorities at the moment. First and foremost, make yourself happy -- not that it will take much effort to do so right now! If you`re not yet doing what you love, you`re only a short step away from it. A good mood is highly contagious. Your smile reminds everyone that crosses your path of the best things in life. Share this happy time with the people who you care about the most. You can easily brighten someone`s day without even trying.
Gemini Horoscope for Monday, April 17, 2023
(Monday, 17 April 2023)
Right now, you feel like you are standing outside of the window of opportunity, looking in. Stop waiting for an engraved invitation to join the party, Gemini. Even if you`re feeling like you`ve been left out in the cold, there`s still time to get involved. Adapt on your own, because everyone else is probably too busy to be of much help. With the right kind of focus and energy, you can merge with the destiny of your choice. You are more self-reliant and capable than you know.
Cancer Horoscope for Monday, April 17, 2023
(Monday, 17 April 2023)
It`s time to p-a-r-t-y, Cancer! The moment for dining and socializing has never been better. Break out the delicacies and treasures that you`ve been saving for just this kind of an event. Every little detail is perfect, and you can bet that your guests will notice the effort you put into it. Once you have everyone`s attention, speak directly from your heart. This is a great time to let everyone know how much they mean to you. Your guests will be touched by your sincerity.
Leo Horoscope for Monday, April 17, 2023
(Monday, 17 April 2023)
You aren`t sure what`s going on, but your friends and family members can tell that there`s something different about you. Your dark side is a bit too close to the surface for comfort. Take some time to think over what you`re going to say before you let the words fly out of your mouth. Before your anger explodes, find a more imaginative way to curse. An offhand remark scores a bull`s eye in some unexpected, but ultimately positive, way.
Aries Horoscope for Monday, April 17, 2023
(Monday, 17 April 2023)
Quantity versus quantity is the dilemma of the day. Even with deadlines looming in the foreground, be careful not to sacrifice accuracy in the name of speed. It`s good to be ahead if you`re truly satisfied with your work, but don`t feel like you have to rush things. The current Moon Sign reminds you of your values, and the place that they hold in your life. There are plenty of hours in the day to make sure everything meets your high standards.
Virgo Horoscope for Monday, April 17, 2023
(Monday, 17 April 2023)
Working as part of a team makes everything just a little easier for you today, Virgo. Everyone in the group appears to be using each other, but for all the right purposes. Try to capitalize on what you come up with once you are able to put it all together. Virgo is able to find a healthy mix of sensuality and philosophy under the current Moon Sign. Your neighbor is having an adventure tonight, too, even if it`s of a different sort than yours.
Libra Horoscope for Monday, April 17, 2023
(Monday, 17 April 2023)
It`s okay to hope for the best, but you should also prepare for the worst. When the Moon is in its current Sign, you shouldn`t make a habit of taking things at face value. Keep an ear to the ground and your eyes open wide in case there`s a problem. Watch other people carefully, especially those that are quick to promise you things. Be ready to handle the details yourself if no one else is paying attention. You have only a small appetite for surprises today.
Scorpio Horoscope for Monday, April 17, 2023
(Monday, 17 April 2023)
Getting caught up in the moment could cause you to lose your sense of what`s right and what`s wrong, Scorpio. Passion sweeps through your life when the Moon is in its current Sign, which leaves you somewhat vulnerable to emotional predators. A current partnership undergoes a trial by fire -- or, in this case, by the intense pull of Water and Earth. Be sure that you really want what you end up getting. At the end of the day, it might be too late to take anything back.
Sagittarius Horoscope for Monday, April 17, 2023
(Monday, 17 April 2023)
Your communication skills are better than average right now. You are surprised to speak in a loud, clear voice that you`ve never heard before. Luckily, others are startled enough to back away and let you have the controls. Hold your head high as you walk to the podium to give your speech. Try not to process this event until it`s over, Sagittarius, or you may not be able to continue what you began. Confidence and grace speak volumes.
Capricorn Horoscope for Monday, April 17, 2023
(Monday, 17 April 2023)
You hate to let go of a good time, but your friends have to leave. You don`t have to be surrounded by other people in order to enjoy yourself, Cap. Make the transition from party to an empty house with a book or video that will capture your still-racing mind. Your creativity peaks later in the evening, which makes this a good time to draw, write or paint. When it`s time to go to bed, sleep well, dream beautifully and wake up ready for the next stage.
Aquarius Horoscope for Monday, April 17, 2023
(Monday, 17 April 2023)
If you were hoping to hide in a corner all day, you can forget it. Your presence dominates the room and demands everyone`s immediate attention. Be careful when flirting, Aquarius -- your confident manner and crackling electric charm inspire lust in the hearts of many. You can see your own future, and it looks like a fun place to live. Try not to do anything that will impede your progress over the next couple of days.
Pisces Horoscope for Monday, April 17, 2023
(Monday, 17 April 2023)
Just because you think you`re paranoid doesn`t mean that someone isn`t trying to take advantage of you. Don`t take anyone or anything at face value today. Be sure to always question the promises of the person that is eager to sell you something. Maybe you should review your reasons for wanting to make this purchase in the first place. Give yourself a few more days before doing the irrevocable. You really don`t have any time or money to waste right now, do you?