Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of July 27th

  • Publish date: Sunday، 21 July 2024

The 12 zodiac signs in order are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

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A Guide to All 12 Astrological Signs

Your horoscope for the week of July 21 to July 27, 2024, is here.

Read: Your Daily Chinese Horoscope

A second full moon in capable Capricorn is an energetic peak over the weekend, focusing on business, status, and responsibilities. Hand out your card or prep a digital version; role-play to slay your best first impressions. How’s your elevator pitch? The Sun swaggers into Leo season on Monday, making it the best time to amplify your confidence and take a leap toward really living your best life. Leo is a sign of both charismatic leadership and luxe leisure. Boss up and best your potential while making space for fun, gatherings, and creative grand gestures.

A second full moon in your career and public image sector bookends the original cosmic memo from around June 21. What have been this month’s professional themes? If you’re born late in your season, this one particularly affects your sense of self and self-expression vs. who you need to be for your job or public-facing persona. We all wear different hats at different times, so be conscious when you change lanes and make the most of each area of life for what it’s worth. As the sun saunters into Leo season on Monday, it lights up your sphere of leisure, love, and creative self-expression. This is a fantastic time for building up your inner bonfire by pursuing your passions, whether they’re a person, artistic, or poolside at golden hour. The moon in your sign from Thursday to Saturday lunch supports energy, drive, and initiative; go for it.

Taurus Weekly Horoscope

A full moon lifts your energy this weekend, so focus it on practical tasks, especially those that support your larger or overriding goals. Dial up your ambitious side and call in far-flung connections, especially those with expertise and authority in their field. Pitch larger established organizations and think big. Time and opportunity wait for no one, so don’t let any slip by—no excuses! If this is a period of focus or catching up on a project, applications, or plans, then get tracking. Balance by taking the initiative in making connections locally. Build out your immediate network and nurture it like you’re extending the family. On Monday, the Leo solar season begins, lighting up your domestic sphere. Host friends and family, doll up your digs, and make it fit for a Queen. Pride in your home is important for you, Taurus; add a touch of opulence that will impress.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope

Mars, the planet of energy, action, and will, is in your sign through September 4, so focus on at least one thing you plan to accomplish. To stay on track, write up your goal and break it down so you can add progress reports as you go. With your adaptable and ever-curious nature, it can be easy to wander off in multiple directions. Ask yourself, does this get me closer to my goal of... (fill in the blank). If you have a few other categories like family, friends, work, and study, make sure you leave space for them. Sunday’s full moon is all red velvet curtains and ambient lighting in your sphere of intimacy and secrets. This is the second full moon in this sector, so note what the past month's journey has been in your intimate life, via others' resources or metaphysical interests. Taking a position of expertise and authority is best practice.

Read More: How to Dress According to Your Zodiac Sign

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Cancer Weekly Horoscope

A second full moon in your sphere of relationships suggests a second act or focus on a particular person or situation. What does La Luna reveal around Sunday? And that’s a wrap on your birthday season, Cancer. Look back at your month and savor the progress, experiences, and special moments you had. Journal the best and lock it into your memory as well as your feelings. On Tuesday, the sun high-steps into the sign following yours, Leo. Lighting up your sphere of money, values, and possessions, it’s time to take a look at your budget and consider creative ways of earning, as well as investing. If you spend, make sure those pieces have an air of luxury, creativity, or even star quality! Forget modesty; this influence is about being conspicuous, leadership, and the Midas touch. Make like a royal who knows their birthright and demand your worth; it starts with you.

Leo Weekly Horoscope

Happy birthday season, Leo! The sun shines bright in your sign from Monday, so start organizing those celebrations in the key of "me." Correlating with the height of summer, long lazy days, and loads of life-giving light, this is your time to shine. Technically called a solar return, the reason we make a wish on our birthdays is that it's the beginning of your new solar cycle. You’re setting intentions like we do on the new moon, except this one’s personal. Feel the next level or challenge you’re ready for in the coming year and use this month to reflect on the past year, give gratitude and acceptance for the present, and then plan with those wishes. Back yourself with real-world action, of course. Prior, a full moon on Sunday is a reprise with work, wellness, and the routines that underpin them. This is a great time to harvest results, let people know what you’re doing, and generally be seen. Cement your status or a commitment.

Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Sunday’s full moon lights up your sphere of love, creativity, and time off, but we know you have a work ethic that just won’t quit. In which case, why not combine these categories? If you’re going to have a hobby, tackle it like you’re going pro. Going on vacay or just a day or two off over the weekend? How can you max out the location or time and make it work for you on a variety of levels? The very next day is the start of a new season, marking the midsummer month. The weather stabilizes to classic summer heat, and themes reflect the warm, bright spirit of nature at this time of year. This is no time to be a wallflower when you can be a… (insert fabulous flower, charismatic artist, or entrepreneur of choice). Leo is the sign of ego, and sometimes that could benefit the humble Virgo. Share your accomplishments and take pride in your progress and abilities.

Read More: The Best Places to Travel Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Libra Weekly Horoscope

La Luna hits a second full moon peak on Sunday, lighting up your domestic sphere once more. The challenge between wanting harmony and stepping into boss mode is thematic. Do you on your own journey, be the person you need to be at home by setting boundaries and, yes, calling rank, and balance it all by pursuing your public or professional calling. We all have various ways of approaching different aspects of our lives as they call us to step up. They’re areas for our self-development as we test our mettle. So embrace the variety in your life and seek to expand the definition of who you are and what you’re capable of. On Monday, the new solar season begins and the sun pads into charismatic Leo. This sign works so well with yours because you both value convivial social times, creativity, and an ethical approach. Illuminating your sphere of social connections, you shine in groups, friendships, and clubs, so get out there and mingle!

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

This weekend, a full moon activates your sphere of siblings, local connections, and learning, for a second time. Did you take on formal study, new responsibilities, or commitments over the last month? Structure is important for the water signs because it acts as a vessel, a container, or like the banks of a river, allowing you to flow toward your goal. How then can you structure a dependable routine, pin down a course of study, or set up your network to contain and guide your project, talent, or progress? What is on offer that you could utilize, a resource that’s right in front of you? The vibe check indicates nothing short of practical, pragmatic, and professional. It’s launch time for the Leos as the sun lights up their sign from Monday. Illuminating your sphere of career, take inspiration from this charismatic and confident sign. Like the sun or golden-maned lion, stand up proudly for what you’re doing and consider leadership.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

Sunday’s full moon reprises themes from the last full moon as it spotlights your zone of resources, income, and possessions. Consider this area over the last month and reflect on solutions and initiatives that feel right for your financial security. Structure and long-range planning or commitment are keywords that will help you tap in. Income or blue-chip investment opportunities or just the right item you’ve been looking for may show up under the silver beams, so keep an eye out while taking action. Your experience, status, or expertise are essential to picking up a new gig, landing a pitch, or finding a particular item, so don’t be too casual about what you offer or your accomplishments so far. Take a professional approach and don’t be afraid of status, whether yours or someone else’s!

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

This weekend, a second full moon in your sign brings things to a peak as well as a conclusion. Make use of the heightened energy by getting social, taking care of a responsibility, or formalizing a commitment. Note your inner terrain since full moons are about our emotional life. How are you feeling? What are you drawn to? Are your sense of self and identity aligned with what makes you feel secure, nurtured, and loved? And are you meeting those needs yourself? (i.e., self-care, self-love, and compassion). This is a good time to assess what that means for you and set the bar for how others treat you. The sun (in dramatic Leo) activates your sphere of intimacy and mystery from Monday. Let’s not take ourselves too seriously; invite a sense of playfulness into the bedroom and consider role-play, characters, and costumes. Could be fun; experiment!

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

The intensity of this full moon may be softened as it activates your zone of Zen, sleep, and the collective unconscious. As it’s a reprise of the previous full moon, both bookending the sign of Capricorn, its themes are around responsibility, status (and status anxiety), and applying ideas to systems. Less talk and more structuring your empire. However, this is the liminal zone of dreams, so how about we structure them? Anything else wafty, untethered, and half-perceived could do with a systematic approach, like dream journaling each morning. Commit to remembering and journaling your dreams each night. Leo Solar season begins on Monday, and if you’ve been keeping up with your stars, you’ll know that’s your opposite sign. So one-to-one equal relationships are the point of focus. Let the drama, passion, and creativity get you out of your head and into a creative outlet. Make dates, see your bestie, or add a new one.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope

La Luna brings her silvery light to waft through your sign from late Tuesday through Thursday brunch. This is an extremely creative window as the sun lights up Leo season from Monday. While your signs may at first seem to be in different camps, you do have a lot in common. Very imaginative, creative artists, you both at the very least appreciate a good piece of creative art, or at least the effort. Fame and celebrity may be dropping out of favor, but you’re both signs of glamour and artistry, so let the solar light of life shine in your area of work and wellness. Get your posture strong and to the point. Sit up straight, with no arms or legs crossing your body, and say, "hear me roar!" Every time you notice yourself shrinking, closing off, or just sitting for too long, do the star pose in the bathroom or cubicle if you’re shy about it. It will amp up your confidence, bravado, and energy. Then pitch. Bring your brand of creativity or color to your work and professional connections this entire month.

This article was previously published on UAE Moments.To see the original article, click here