Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of October 19th

  • Publish date: Sunday، 13 October 2024

The 12 zodiac signs in order are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

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A Guide to All 12 Astrological Signs

Your horoscope for the week of October 13 to 19, 2024, is here.

Read: Your Daily Chinese Horoscope

The lunar cycle is building up to the biggest super-moon of the year, this time in energetic and impatient Aries. If you’re feeling antsy, go for a run or conquer a personal challenge. Walking past that boxing gym and wondering what it would feel like to put on gloves and enter your Rocky Balboa era? Get in there and try it out! This is classic war-and-peace energy as we strive to find the balance between harmony and defense on a personal and national level. Since the lunar push is for independence and assertiveness, take direct action to make your ambitions a reality. Be bold, dress for the job or life you want, and act like you’re already that person—because you are.

Find your weekly horoscope for your zodiac sign below. We recommend reading the horoscopes for your rising sign.

We all benefit from a full moon in our sign once a year when the sun is opposite of our zodiac sign, and this week, that’s you! 2024’s biggest super full moon peaks on Thursday, and it’s in Aries, so feel this one ignite your fire. Note what comes up for you, especially emotionally. What are you feeling compelled to do, be, act on, or deliver? Who is stoking your fire or perhaps leaving you feeling a little sensitive? There are a few moving parts to this one, so it’s complex, while you prefer a simple, direct course of action. And that’s okay. Do what you can while becoming as conscious as possible about what is behind your emotions or impulses. Map out a plan for the longer-term results you can’t achieve in a short burst of energy. Check out “the virtuous cycles” model used by brands from Patagonia to Ryanair. And time your responses so you are in control rather than giving the frame to someone else.

Taurus Weekly Horoscope

Mercury moves into your opposite sign on Sunday, making communication less upfront and more under the radar. So, if someone is talking in code you can’t crack, ask them to lay their cards on the table and stop being so cryptic. It’s a great time to dig down under the surface and get to the root of issues or build intimacy. Thursday’s full moon in your zone of dreams, subconscious, and the collective suggests that some time alone to sort through feelings is a must. This is a big energy and it comes with a bit of push and shove, so get physical to release any tension. Take an active, adventurous role around spirituality or the liminal space. Your interior life is valuable and a source of great inspiration; put on your explorer’s hat and go on a safari through your inner jungle.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope

Pleasure-principle Venus heads into your opposite sign on Thursday, making “the other” appear mighty attractive! This is a great time to be one-on-one with a date, bestie, or bae. In the sign of Sagittarius, do something educational, exotic, or spontaneous to get the love and laughter going. This month, take your love of learning and try teaching your knowledge or finding a point to your arrow. Also, on Thursday, a full supermoon emphasizes your social sphere. With heightened emotional energy around friendship and groups, challenge yourself to brave a social sphere solo. You’ll be more open to meeting and connecting. Or try a physical challenge like indoor rock climbing, as Gemini rules the hands after all.

Read More: How to Dress According to Your Zodiac Sign

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Cancer Weekly Horoscope

Your ruling planet, la luna, grows to a max size and light for the year in a supermoon on Thursday. In your sphere of career and public image, you may feel a shove to go where no Cancer has gone before. Although you’re not one to leave the cozy comfort of familiarity for unknown challenges, this week could be your moment to shine. Why not don your best silver shell suit and do something new? Be brave, be bold. Okay, it could have a little kickback, but if you’re ready for that, it’s just a nice surprise if all goes exceptionally well! Themes around startups, a fighting spirit, and an independent rather than clannish approach all benefit. Sharpen your spear or pen, pack your duffle bag, strike out, take a stand, or forge ahead. If you break new ground, you’re doing it right.

Leo Weekly Horoscope

Independence might not be all that, but it’s an essential part of the bigger picture. Travel and leave the heartthrob at home? Yes, it can be done. Study, teach, or join a larger organization to broaden your mind. Thursday’s full moon activates one side of a polarity. The other is about balancing relationships and your local connections. Give time to both, and don’t wait around for others to get on board when you’ve started the engine and buckled up. This full moon flows flawlessly with your sign, giving you the resources and ease you may need for adjustment, ignition, or acceleration. Hit the “go” button mindfully rather than recklessly so you can deal with challenges en route. Venus also throws you a high-five as it canters into its sister fire sign Sagittarius. Joy, love, beauty, and style flow your way, so enjoy your relationships and spontaneous amorous adventures.

Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Thursday’s full moon may be on the bold and brassy side, so dive under the wave as it passes overhead. This one lights up your sphere of others’ resources, suggesting it’s not what you know, it’s who you know. Get your sleuthing on point and figure out the person in the room you need to approach—then get your pitch in. This could be a steamy one if you’re in the deep end of the dating pool or a relationship. Figure out if you’re passionate, angry, or both because this full moon is in Aries, so the vibe is energetic. Best to get active, challenge each other, take on a personal challenge, and find a physical release. As Venus heads into your domestic sphere, spend time hosting or adding color and an exotic twist to a dull corner. Less demure, more demonstrative, at least for now.

Read More: The Best Places to Travel Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Libra Weekly Horoscope

It’s time for the full moon of Libra season, meaning it’s opposite your sign. Lighting up your sphere of one-to-one relationships, your brief is to balance your direction with personal partnerships. This one is particularly intense, but thankfully, if there’s any sign that can deftly navigate complexity and challenge, it’s yours. The key is to find your direct action goal, and flank the charge with structured long-range planning and bold, assertive moves. As the largest supermoon of the year, it could draw up feelings that need expression—yours, a partner’s, or a ride-or-die close friend’s. There’s a lot to contend with thanks to so much exposure to media, so balance the news cycle by doing what you can to help others while noticing positives that also exist in every moment.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

Mercury moves into your sign on Sunday, correlating to communication going under the surface. This is the detective or researcher’s mind, dropping deep into the heart of a worthy problem to solve, so choose your puzzle, topic, or person to uncover. With the wordsmith at your disposal, you’re better able to articulate or conceptualize; however, remember communication comes in many forms, and most of it isn’t verbal. Pick up on those nonverbal cues and giveaways. Thursday’s full supermoon in your work and wellness sphere suggests conquering a personal challenge and showing off your grit and tenacity. When the going gets tough, the tough get going—and Scorpio, you’re tough. You’re the cat with nine lives because a key to your sign is regeneration. Find a physical outlet that builds strength and muscle, and a work one that proves where there’s a will, there’s always a way.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

Venus, the pleasure principle, heads up your sign from Thursday through November 11, so immerse in love, romance, beauty, and joy—Sag style. Get out into nature on a date to remember, join that short course, and get physical and philosophical. Far distant lands with their exotic cultures and ideas appeal, so let them. Explore a language, cuisine, or even dance style. This is a great time for headshots, and updating your look, wardrobe, or visual brand. While you wear that Venusian halo, you’re hot property, so make the most of it by pitching an idea, going out on dates, or spending time with friends. Thursday’s full moon is in sister fire sign Aries, so it’s a smoother ride with more bonus points if you’re willing to jump a couple of easy hurdles. See obstacles as a challenge, and keep a sporty, positive mindset that you will win. That way, you remain open to new ideas and fresh approaches.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Thursday’s full moon activates your domestic sphere. While you prefer practical, long-range planning, this one pushes with a sense of urgency. Bring spontaneity to your game and take on a worthy DIY project or home challenge. This is the time to set up what you need to balance your career or public life. That could be an athletic corner of the garage with a few weights or a yoga mat to let off steam, get strong, and flexible. What were you planning or manifesting six months ago? This is the fruition point, so note your harvest and where to go from here. If you have a sensitive spot around independence or taking immediate action, this week may scratch at it to highlight where and what that is. Heal, accept, integrate, or acknowledge what surfaces. All information is useful.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

As the full supermoon rises on Thursday, it spotlights local connections and siblings. Pay attention to what aspirations lift your energy and fuel your passions as the light reaches its peak. This is an ideal time for a solo adventure rather than relying on friends—being bold and stepping out alone may open the door to new opportunities, relationships, or connections. Consider becoming involved in a community initiative to nurture your network. A fitness group, run club, or athletic team could be just what you need to release pent-up energy while building strength. Physical activity often stimulates creative ideas, so be ready to jot down any insights that emerge. This supermoon encourages you to find heart in your local environment and balance it with the big international picture or playing field.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope

This week’s super full moon beams into your sphere of personal finance and resources as the balance point anchors into shared resources. Somewhere in life, it’s okay to be independent, a little self-oriented, and, under this moon, very assertive. Think about going after work, pitching for a job or project, or scouring for the best sale or investment options. You want to really go for it, and don’t hold back—so chest out, eyes sharp, and mind clear. Cleave to your values and consider where they were formed and why. What still holds true, and what could be updated? This is a fresh new energy and a peak from plans or new beginnings six months ago. Where are you at this midpoint in the cycle, and where do you want to take it from here? Prepare to take immediate action and make your own opportunity while shoring up with long-term planning, building reputation, and expertise.

This article was previously published on UAE Moments. To see the original article, click here