
Arabic Phrases To Use During Ramadan

  • Publish date: Thursday، 22 December 2022
Arabic Phrases To Use During Ramadan

Have you ever felt awkward not knowing how to greet a friend of yours in their holiday or at a special time for them? Is this the case with you this Ramadan?

UAE is filled with diversity of different nationalities, cultures and even religions, and it is a known fact that Ramadan for UAE is very crucial. If you happen to have a friend or so that is Muslim and don’t know what to say to them, we got you!

Here are some phrases you can say and what do they mean,

  • Ramadan Kareem and Ramadan Mubarak

Both mean “have a blessed or generous Ramadan” and are commonly used when wishing a friend or a loved one a happy Ramadan!

  • Al Salam Alaikum

It is a phrase commonly used between Arabs to greet each other which means “peace be upon you,” and it is very common in the Middle East to extend hospitality and friendship. 

  • Insha’Allah

This means either, ‘God Willing’ or even ‘if God wills’ and is mainly used when planning anything, whether it is an outing or even a task!

  • Masha’Allah

This phrase is used to express someone’s interest in something beautiful or to praise anything or anyone really, and it means, “what Allah wants, he gives” or “God has willed” it can be to greet friends or family when they have been blessed with something and sometimes overused.

In light of the fact that we are during the holy month of Ramadan, here are phrases to use!

  • Emta El Maghrib?

Maghrib is the time where Muslims break their fast, and so if you are invited over for Iftar and are wondering when will you be able to eat, you can ask this question which means “what time is maghrib?”

  • Suhoor

Suhoor is the meal Muslims have before sunrise and beginning their fast as they begin their fast with Farjr prayers and so suhoor is crucial to help go on and about their day as they fast the following day.

  • Sayem?

This is a question that asks, ‘are you fasting?’ and so the next time a Muslim asks you, you will be able to know what it means

  • Tarawih

You often heard the term Tarawih and they are they are the night time prayers performed during this month. Tawarwih prayers are not compulsory, but they are performed by many Muslims.

  • Eid Mubarak

Following Ramadan, comes Eid which is Muslim festival or celebration and Mubarak means blessed. Together it means blessed celebration and used as a greeting to mark the end of the month of Ramadan where a three-day festivity follows.

  • Allahu Akbar

The phrase means, “God is great” and is mainly spoken in the call for prayer and our Muslim friends use it when they agree with something they hear or when they see something beautiful.

Now that you know all of these phrases, you can definitely show not only respect but also are ready for any iftar or suhoor invitation!

Image Source: Unsplash

This article was previously published on UAE Moments.To see the original article, click here

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