Oman Equestrian Federation Organizes Exciting Activities in Dhofar
- Publish date: Wednesday، 05 July 2023 Last update: Thursday، 12 October 2023

The Oman Equestrian Federation will host various exciting events for the 2023 Dhofar Khareef season from Jul. 28 until Aug. 1.
The federation has organized a wide range of equestrian activities including a number of championships and competitions.
These competitions will include the endurance race for 100 kilometers, the ponies race, a qualifying race, and a tent pegging championship.
The tent pegging championship will include the national team camp for tent pegging from Aug. 2 to Aug. 15. This event has been organized to prepare the national team for the Tent Pegging World Cup in South Africa.
Image source: @oefom Instagram page