
Perseid Meteor Shower Illuminates Oman's Skies

Oman is experiencing the breathtaking Perseid meteor shower, with prime viewing from mid-August to the 24th.

  • Publish date: Sunday، 11 August 2024
Perseid Meteor Shower Illuminates Oman's Skies

The Sultanate of Oman is currently witnessing the stunning Perseid meteor shower, a celestial event that will grace the skies until August 24, according to the Oman Astronomical Society.

The Perseid meteor shower, renowned for its vibrant display, is at its peak this week, with the best visibility on Monday night through early Tuesday morning. Ashwaq bint Nasser Al Siyabi, a member of the Executive Committee of the Oman Astronomical Society, explained that this phenomenon occurs when Earth passes through the debris left by Comet Swift-Tuttle. These meteors streak across the sky at speeds of 72 kilometers per second, creating brilliant light shows as they burn up in Earth’s atmosphere.

Al Siyabi noted that during peak times, those in dark, unpolluted areas could see between 60 to 100 meteors per hour. Known for producing bright fireballs, the Perseids stand out as one of the most spectacular meteor showers, making this period a prime time for stargazing.

She advised enthusiasts to find a dark, clear spot to observe the meteors, particularly looking northeast near the constellation Perseus. The event also offers a unique opportunity to photograph the meteors alongside planets like Jupiter and Saturn.

This annual event, which began in mid-July, provides a captivating experience of the universe’s grandeur, visible to the naked eye.

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