Global 195: A Coalition for Investigating Israeli Soldiers
- Publish date: Tuesday، 18 March 2025

A network of 195 lawyers and legal organizations from around the world have come together to file criminal complaints and investigate Israeli war crimes privately in courts across the globe.
The coalition is called Global 195 and it will seek to arrest and persecute high-ranking Israeli officials of dual nationalities serving in the Israeli military.
The coalition, led by the UK-based legal charity International Centre for Justice for Palestinians and solicitor Tayab Ali, has lawyers from Malaysia, Turkey, Norway, Canada, Bosnia, and the UK.
These lawyers will draw on the alleged war crimes gathered in ICJP's shared library of evidence.
In the UK, the organization is already working to pursue British members of the Israeli military who are allegedly committing war crimes in Gaza, the West Bank, and Jerusalem.
ICJP's evidence library holds 135 first-hand witness accounts from across Gaza, which are supported by open-source intelligence.
Former Metropolitan Police detectives have also contributed to the creation of the archive to help ICJP meet the standards of evidence set by the UK and international criminal courts and tribunals.
The archive shows that bombing of civilians, attacks on safe zones, air strikes on refugee camps, and use of mass displacement and starvation as a war weapon have taken place in Gaza, according to the ICJP.
This article was previously published on qatarmoments. To see the original article, click here