The Price of Oil From Oman Falls by USD 1 and 93 Cents
- Publish date: Friday، 17 February 2023

Oman oil costs US dollars 1 and 93 cents less on Friday than it did on Thursday,16th of February when it was priced at US $84 and 15 cents.
The current official price of Oman oil is now 82 US dollars and 22 cents.
Notably, the monthly average price of Omani crude oil for delivery in February was $77 and 43 cents per barrel, down from $8 and 72 cents compared to the price for delivery in January 2023.
According to Oman's Finance Ministry, oil output would increase by more than 10% to 1.175 million barrels per day in 2019. From January to November 2022, the Sultanate of Oman saw a 10% yearly rise in the production of crude oil and condensate.
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